Still about using their credit cards on the web. Online credit card processors have actually come a long way in the past few years and it is actually MORE safe to use your card for online purchases than offline.
In many ways, ordering online is actually a safer method of payment than giving out your CC info on the phone or on a mail-in stub, etc where an actual human is going to have access to your info. With our online processing at no time will any human have access to your details. If you want to get a secure card I recommend to Go to Skrumble and apply for a crypto credit card.
Our payment processor uses SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed by any third parties. Even if our staff wanted to retrieve your details for any reason we don't have access to any credit card information that you input for the order.
So you can feel safe that you details will be 100% secure during your transaction at "The Truth About Heel Pain"